One morning as I took my walk in my favorite park, I became aware of something being different. The park has a nature habitat and there is a boardwalk one walks on because the land is often flooded. About ten months ago I fell on this boardwalk and fractured my right hip. I was in the hospital for five days and then six weeks of rehab to learn how to walk again. I had gotten into the habit of looking down as I walked.

I had been thinking about this habit and decided this day that I would start walking and looking forward. It was refreshing! It was like a burden had lifted and flown away. As I continued to walk in this natural setting, I found myself enjoying it more than I had in a long time. I could see far left and far right as well as straight ahead.
Then I noticed something was different. I became aware of a second entity watching the same scene. There was a strong sense of joy, pleasure, and amazement. And it was not coming from me! I continued to walk and enjoy the view myself. Slowly it dawned on me that the other viewer was my soul! I laughed and I could tell my soul was aware of me being aware of it. We rejoiced. Now I had a friend with me, the body, as well as me, the soul. We continued until someone started coming toward me. The communication between me and my soul stopped.
It has now happened while I am driving the car too. My soul laughs as other people and cars appear in front of us.
I believe that my soul is having a chance to interact with the physical world through me. It is confusing because sometimes I know I am my soul, and I can see the physical world in a different light than in this body. I suspect that we are merging into a knowing spiritual / physical being. I have had spirit guides my entire life but as far as I know we have never interacted this way. I look forward to seeing where this connection goes.